Yes, you read that right - your entire classroom can win free Training Ties®! Founder and inventor Bobby Morong is a former teacher looking to give back to those who do the important work of teaching and caring for the future generation. As someone who has both struggled with and taught shoe tying, Bobby understands the frustration felt on both ends.
That's why this is a great opportunity for kids, teachers, and parents alike! Training Ties were created by someone who gets it. They're fashionable, durable, and the best way to teach children to independently tie their shoes. Teachers won't have to spend valuable teaching time tying 25 pairs of shoes anymore - their students will handle that themselves! Give the gift of self-sufficient shoe tying!
How do I enter the contest?

Entering the Training Ties® contest is super simple. Everyone can do it, whether you're a teacher, student, PTO member, parent, or someone wanting to help out a classroom! Just follow the steps listed below.
1. Take a video or picture of yourself, a loved one, or a student using Training Ties®.
2. Follow @Training Ties on Instagram, post your video or picture and tag @TrainingTies.
3. Bobby Morong will pick a winner and they will be rewarded with free Training Ties® for the entire classroom!
We're looking forward to seeing all your amazing contest entries! Please consider clicking the heart down below and sharing this article in order to give other classrooms a chance to win Training Ties® for their students.
If you haven't purchased your Training Ties® yet, you can do that right now! There's plenty of time still left to win Training Ties® for the whole class!